Why YouTube Still Dominates the Social Media Scene in 2024

For a lot of people, YouTube might be a bit of an untouched space. Looking from the outside, it can feel like it’s a mix of gaming videos, random tech content and a whole lot of vlogging.

But have a little doom scroll and you’ll see that YouTube actually has something for everyone—yep, we really mean everyone. And that’s where the real beauty lies. 

So, why should your brand jump on YouTube? 

With nearly 2.5 billion active users a month, it’s the second-biggest website in the world, aka a goldmine for brands. If you want to level up your social media, earn passive income, and have a home for both short and long-form videos, YouTube could be your new BFF.

screenshot of Youtube homepage on a laptop. social media management nz


YouTube’s Marketing Superpowers 

  1. Reach & Engagement 

With a massive user base and more people coughing up for premium every day, YouTube is only growing (yep, even still in 2024). So, why aren’t you on it yet? 

To start racking up those views, all you need to do is figure out who you’re talking to and run with it. Make sure your content scratches that itch in all the right ways, and keep everything looking sharp. 

  1. The Impact of Video Content

When it comes to the never-ending social media bash, YouTube is the ultimate hype man. The storytelling potential? Huge. 

Think of it as having a spotlight to show off your brand values, share those heartwarming stories, and get a little more up close and personal with your audience.

And why does this matter, you ask?

Well, people are way more likely to trust (and actually like) a brand that serves up content they can vibe with real, engaging, and not just another bleh sales pitch. 

  1. SEO Benefits 

With YouTube Analytics, the search bar, and Keyword Planner, you can uncover exactly what people are hunting for and spot where you can up your game.

But here’s the kicker, once they find your content, you need to make sure they’re not just passing through like a one-night stand. 😉

Get savvy—cross-post to other platforms, use tags and hashtags to help YouTube grasp your vibe, create playlists to keep things organised, and make sure everything looks amazing. Your titles and thumbnails should be eye-catching, we want them to scream, “Click me, you seriously won’t regret it!”

Let’s Keep Things Short

YouTube is a goldmine for long-form content and epic storytelling, but let’s not forget the new kid on the block, YouTube Shorts. 

Think of it as YouTube’s answer to short-form video content. (Learn more about the battle between these two platforms here!) 

And believe it or not, it’s holding its own quite nicely.

Shorts are the polar opposite of the usual deep dives you’re used to on YouTube. They’re all about snappy, engaging content that’s perfect for on-the-go consumption (yes, like Reels and TikToks). 

So, what does this mean for your brand? 

It means you can snag your audience’s attention faster (another win!).


To make sure you’re utilising the potential of YouTube Shorts, here are 3 strong content ideas to reel those viewers in (pun intended).

  1. Behind-the-scenes video

  2. Product demos

  3. Educational tips

Just remember, consistency is key! Make sure it stays true to your brand’s vibe. Go for strong visuals, sprinkle in some humour, add trendy sounds, and don’t forget a cheeky call to action when you can!

Have a blast with your Shorts content, but make sure you know your audience inside out.


That’s a Wrap!

So to bring it all together and to really kill it on YouTube, you need to have a solid plan and make top-quality videos that your target audience will appreciate. 

Don’t sweat it if your channel doesn’t blow up overnight—good things take time. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day! Our advice for building your “YouTube Rome” is to keep a close eye on those analytics. They’ll tell you what’s hitting the mark and what’s not.

With a bit of effort and a truckload of creativity, you can turn YouTube into your brand’s new playground.

And while you might find Shorts a breeze to get into, if you’re still feeling a bit unsure or need a hand, give us a bell, we’re more than happy to help!

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