Why your business can’t ignore email marketing

Think email marketing is dead?

If so, I can understand why.

Because most email newsletters are un-targeted, generic sales pitches that deliver little or no value.

But I’ll let you in on a secret – the problem isn’t email.

The problem is with the content, not the medium – so blaming email is shooting the messenger, literally.

The trick with email marketing is to write about what your customers want to read about, rather than falling into the trap of writing about your business or what product you have on special this week.

Why your business can’t ignore email marketing anymore

Your customers might not be on Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram – but they probably have an email address, because it’s practically impossible to exist in the modern world without one (sad, but true).

And whilst email might not be sexy – it works when it’s done right.

After all, how else could you contact each of your 1,853 customers without racking up a travel bill that looks like a telephone number?

5 hallmarks of great email marketing:

  1. Personalised with the recipients first name (eg, Hi John,)
  2. Short and easy to scan, skim read or refer back to if needed
  3. Delivers customer value (is entertaining, inspiring, educational or informative)
  4. Links to longer content if needed (keeping the email short)
  5. Is soft-sell in nature (because no-one likes being sold to anymore)

Sending an email newsletter soon?

If so, avoid this mistake that I made with my first email campaign.

Not email marketing yet? 

Get in touch if you’d like to chat about email marketing for your business.