Social Media Success Stories: Lockdown Edition

Throughout this pandemic, there’s been a lot of scaremongering in the media. And, while we know it’s important to highlight the reality of the situation, it’s also important to shed light on some of the positive things that have happened during the lockdown period.

With the country in lockdown, people are spending a LOT more time online, in particular more time on social media! So we’ve had many companies approach us hoping to capitalise on the opportunities that social media has been presenting. By working quickly and implementing sound social media marketing strategies, we’ve been able to produce some pretty awesome results!

Below are three success stories we’d like to share with you:

Kapiti Candy Co.

If the name doesn’t give away what Kapiti Candy Co. does, let us enlighten you. This family-owned and operated businesses in Otaki has been living and breathing candy for nearly 20 years. They hand make all of their candy with love, care and pride.

But like all non-essential businesses, lockdown made their retail sales slow down quite drastically overnight! When they came to us, they hadn’t been actively promoting themselves online as most sales had taken place business to business. They knew they needed a different strategy to build relationships with new customers – and fast!

We got straight to work. Within seven days we shot new imagery, updated their website, and developed a stellar social media strategy to go with it. We thought that it would be received well but we didn’t realise just how well!!

They’re so inundated with orders that it’s likely they’ll need to get more help to keep up with demand. Now that’s Likeable!


As plastics fabricators by trade, Inspace spend their days creating epic shop-fitting solutions for retail, hospitality and office spaces. Lockdown meant they had to put everything on hold.

But they didn’t let it dampen their spirits. Instead, they spotted an opportunity and used their skills and expertise to develop a high-quality, affordable product: Sneeze Screens.

They knew it wasn’t just enough to create this great product, they also needed to get it in front of the right people. Cue Likeable Lab. They recognised how important well written content and a sound social media strategy was in getting sales.

Since launching their new social media strategy, they’ve received over 50 enquiries for their protective screens. We think this story is a true show of Kiwi ingenuity and spirit.


Volare has been a client of ours since before the Covid outbreak. They are a traditional artisan bakery, who prides themselves on producing high-quality bread and pastries for cafes, restaurants and stores around the Waikato and Bay of Plenty. So, of course, that all came to an abrupt halt with lockdown.

But, while the intricacies of Level 4 lockdown were being ironed out and businesses informed about whether they were deemed ‘essential’ or not (turned out bread was!), Volare got busy fast-tracking their plan for an online delivery system.

Getting themselves up and running did require a little trial and error, but it meant they were able to fine-tune their product and work with us to come up with engaging content and cleverly designed graphics that grabbed people’s attention.

We developed a new name and logo for this brand extension (Breadbox by Volare), and a new social media strategy with a clear message about the products, enticing graphics (pretty easy with a gorgeous range of products on offer!) and clear calls to action.

Having now implemented a whole new online ordering system and social media strategy, they have seen growth beyond their expectations and have been able to retain their loyal staff and a slice of normality!

Looking forward

These are three different businesses who have done completely different things, but what they all have in common is that they recognised the importance of developing an awesome social media strategy to tell people about their products and make sales in a time of uncertainty.

If you need some help getting to where the people are, get in touch. We’re here to help you get seen.

*P.S. If you’re not ready to invest in a whole strategy, check out the New Zealand Made Products Facebook page – this is gold. It’s the best organic reach we’ve seen in a while, and it’s F R E E.