Remarketing Explained: Interview with Sam Kidd from

Heard of remarketing?

It’s a powerful (and relatively) new marketing technique that most NZ businesses aren’t using yet.

This article is an interview with Sam Kidd from about how he uses remarketing to gain customers.

But first, what exactly is remarketing?

Also called retargeting, remarketing reminds people about your business after they have visited (and left) your website.

The goal of remarketing is simple, to bring people back to your website.

How remarketing works:

  1. Person visits your website to explore your products/services
  2. Person get’s distracted and leaves your website (the phone rings, life goes on, you get the picture…)
  3. Person starts seeing your advertisements (on other websites they visit) reminding them about your products/services

Note: Remarketing ads look exactly like other online ads, except they’re only shown to people who have already visited your website.

Interview: Sam Kidd from on remarketing

Thanks to Sam for this interview, he know’s more about remarketing than anyone else I’ve met!

1. Sam, what is is project management software. We give businesses a powerful yet simple way to manage projects online.

2. How does use remarketing?

Remarketing is a core part of our sales process.

For instance, we’ve found that when people are researching project management solutions, they’ll do a google search and open multiple windows for the ones that they’d like to investigate further.

There are 60 to 70 project management software options available now, but we’re typically on the first page of google for the majority of searches, so we’ve got a very good chance of being included in a customers initial exploration (and that’s where remarketing comes in).

After a customer has visited our website, our remarketing advertising is activated, and that particular person will begin seeing ads for our project management software around the net (on the websites they visit).

The benefit of remarketing like this is that our name stays in front of our potential customer. And the best part is that our customers think we have a massive advertising budget, because they start seeing our ads everywhere!

3. How does remarketing work with your other online advertising?

We see remarketing as complementary to our normal pay-per-click (Google Adwords) advertising.

Our normal ads are about attracting people to our site, whereas remarketing ads are all about encouraging them to return – in fact, we’ve recently shortened our remarketing ads to be 30 days in duration, so that potential customers are reminded about us whilst time is ticking on their free trial period.

4. How does your online advertising budget get split between attracting customers and remarketing?

In terms of investment, for every $100 we spend on getting customers through Google Adwords, we spend approximately another $40 on remarketing. We’ve found this is a good split.

5. Where do people see your remarketing ads?

They see our remarketing ads on websites they visit, and they look just like other online ads.

6. What about remarketing on Facebook?

Yes, remarketing on Facebook works in the same way. Customers visit our website, and then see related content in the right hand column of Facebook, and also in their own Facebook news feed (even though they’ve never liked our Facebook page)

We’ve found that we’ll often get Facebook page likes from these ads, as people ‘like’ a page as a way of bookmarking it for later. The bonus with Facebook is that you also get the network effect of friends seeing your interaction with our page.

7. How did you first get started with remarketing?

We’ve been remarketing for some time, but Adroll helped us get started. We went to them because they’re well regarded, and they’re across the Google network as well as Facebook (and hitting both platforms was important to us)

8. Any closing comments?

I see remarketing as a great way to heat up warm leads, and for the right business it can be a powerful tool for driving sales.

It’s certainly no silver bullet, but it’s definitely a great reminder that you exist, and it can be the difference between a customer returning to your website, or forgetting that you exist.

Questions about remarketing?

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