No one has time for mediocre

When we’re all bombarded with content — emails, facebook posts, notifications etc — to get our attention, content has to be good.

In fact, beyond good, it needs to be engaging.

Especially when we’re talking about Facebook.

A good engaging Facebook post will grab your attention, stop your thumb from scrolling, make you feel something. You’ll probably like it, comment, or tag someone.

And these days, more than ever, that’s what the Facebook algorithm wants.

Facebook will prioritise engaging, relevant content over ‘salesy’ and generic posts. They want to make your Facebook feed more personal and satisfying so you continue to use their platform. Makes total sense.

So what’s the secret sauce for creating engaging content for your business?

Well, that depends on your business, and who you want to engage with.

But here are some general tips:

  • Always use great images and video
  • Step into your customer’s shoes and think about what matters to them
  • Aim to start a conversation with your customers. And if you start a conversation, be prepared to invest in it and respond individually to peoples comments
  • Avoid words such as like, share, win, tag these are obvious clickbait and Facebook will flag them. Instead, go for terms such as know someone who needs this? your thoughts?
  • Spend money boosting your posts, carefully defining your target audience

Facebook Live works a treat too. Watch your reach and engagement stats go through the roof. And the best thing about Live is that it doesn’t have to be a slick, professional video. The more casual and raw the better.

So if you’re not keen on mediocre, and you want to talk about engaging content for your business, then let’s talk.