“But my business is different…!”

Not when it comes to new business generation, it isn’t.

This is something that most business owners have thought, if not said. We all feel that our businesses are different. That they are unique. And to us, inside, looking out, they may well be.

The truth of the matter is though, that all businesses, broadly speaking, are the same.

That is, they are all there to solve some type of problem that other people or companies are experiencing, at a profit.

Another area where all businesses are the same is that they need new business generation. Essentially, they need new paying customers. Customers who are going to keep the cash coming into the business to keep it developing and moving forward.

Know your product

Presently, there are thousands of different businesses out there providing millions of different types of products and services. These can range from a very simple product or service like pizza delivery or the internet at your home right up to detailed, complicated, big-ticket consultancy services.

From a marketing and sales point of view, something to be highly aware of here is what type of product or service is being sold. Is it an easy to understand product like pizza or is it the more complicated consultancy services?

The reason that we need to ask this question is because that answer will form the foundation for your new business generation marketing and sales approach.

Decide your sales approach

How much education does the prospective client need before they see why they should buy your product or service? Is it a short tail, quick sale or does there need to be a lot of work done in educating the prospective client before they will pay for your big-ticket item?

A great way to think about this, is right from the start, asking yourself the question of “what problem does this solve?”. Then build on your new business generation from there.

Your social media strategy

Social Media is one of the most powerful ways to get this information across to your prospective client, and that is the same whether you’re selling pizza or solving procedural system problems in NASA related businesses. Your prospects are out there, on social media, and they are waiting for you.  

Indeed in this context, all business is the same. New business generation is firstly about finding our target audience. Secondly, understanding their hot buttons. Thirdly, educating them as to why they should be buying from us. Finally, provide them with a strong call to action … to solve their problem.

In conclusion, a social media strategy, done correctly, can cover all of these aspects in an extremely engaging and non-invasive manner. Imagine being able to build that Know, Like and Trust consistently, predictably and methodically, making new business generation much more of a pleasure, than a chore.