Stop Being Likeable! Negative Email Subject Lines Get More Clicks (Here’s Why)

We’re always told to “be positive,” but when it comes to email marketing that advice might be getting you sent straight to the junk folder.

Think about it; how many emails do you delete just by reading the subject line alone? If you’re like us, then it’s probably quite a few. So, what makes your email marketing go from meh to must-open?

Studies have consistently shown that negative subject lines can outperform their positive counterparts in terms of click-through rates (CTRs). So, buckle up because we’re about to break the rules of email marketing.


Flipping the script… why does negativity work?

Negative subject lines tap into our curiosity. They trigger a “wait, what?” moment that makes us want to click and learn more. Plus, they can laser-focus on those pesky pain points of your audience.

Are you still on the fence? Let’s dive into it further…

Think of a subject line promising “effortless productivity” – it’s a bit of a yawn, right? But a line like “Feeling Overwhelmed? 3 Sneaky Productivity Killers You Didn’t Know About” instantly sparks interest. It highlights a common struggle and promises a solution, all in a way that feels fresh and intriguing. You want to read more, right?!

It’s all about hitting the sweet spot!

Negative subject lines can be a powerful email marketing tool, but wielding them requires finesse. Our goal isn’t to mislead or sound like Debbie Downer. Instead, let’s focus on a few key strategies:

  • Spark curiosity. Plant a juicy question that ignites people’s desire to know more. 
  • Highlight a common pain point and tease the solution waiting for them in your email.
  • Create urgency! Let’s be real; we are all a bit partial to FOMO so a good strategy is creating a sense of “missing out” if they don’t click.


Be experimental!

Remember, A/B testing is your friend! Experiment with different subject lines (positive, negative, and everything in between) to see what resonates best with your audience. Balance is key – a healthy mix keeps things fresh and prevents email fatigue.


Our thoughts?

While positive vibes are great in general, negative email subject lines can be a strategic secret weapon. They cut through the clutter and grab attention in a crowded inbox. But remember, negativity for negativity’s sake is a turn-off. So have a play around and see what works best for your audience.

Of course, there’s a lot more to successful email marketing than a subject line, you can view our range of services here! We can help you turn clicks into sales. If you’d like to find out more, let’s chat!

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