The 3 excuses you’re using for not email-marketing to your customers

You know you should be email-marketing.

Because you know that those who have bought from you already, are more likely to buy from you again.

And you know that email-marketing is one of the most effective, low-cost methods of reaching them.

But you still don’t do it. And here’s why…

3 reasons you’re not email-marketing to your customers

If you’re not emailing your clients, it’s likely for one of these reasons:

1. Collecting customer email addresses is hard work

Yes, not every customer wants to provide you with their email address.

But if most of your customers don’t like sharing their details with you, then you’re probably not demonstrating why doing so would be valuable to them.

You see, most businesses ask for a customer’s email like this:

Can I have your email address for our records?

But to a customer, the above actually sounds like this:

Can I start spamming you the moment you walk out the door?

See the problem?

How to collect your customers’ email address:

Rather than asking the ‘what’s your email address’ question, why not ask:

  • ‘Would you like your next appointment reminder by email?’ or
  • ‘Would you like me to email you when there’s a 20% off special?’ or
  • ‘Would you like me to email through some tips about using the [product] you’ve just bought?’ or
  • ‘Would you like me to email you when your next service is due?

See the difference?

Of course, you’ll need to follow through on your promise – but you shouldn’t be spamming your customers anyway, especially if you’re serious about building long term, valuable relationships.

2. You don’t have time

The second reason you’re not email-marketing to your customers is because you don’t have time.

Let’s be honest, the first thing to fall of the to-do list is email-marketing.

And that’s because no-one notices.

That’s right. Nobody notices if you don’t do anything, and if you’re a busy business owner or manager – there’s probably nobody holding you accountable to getting your next email-newsletter out the door.

But it’s not about time, it’s about priorities.

How to find the time to do email-marketing:

The secret is to introduce accountability.

That’s right – it’s not rocket surgery.

Here are 2 ways to make email-marketing happen:

  1. Delegate your email marketing to someone in-house (and hold them accountable)
  2. Outsource your email marketing to a someone like us (contact us if we can help)

3. You don’t know what to say

The third (and final) reason you’re not emailing to your customers is that you simply don’t know what to say.

Yes, knowing what to write about can be tough. Because when you’re in your business each day, it’s hard to get perspective on what to say (cool rhyme aye?).

And the problem is that when you don’t know what to talk about, it’s easy to fall into the trap of writing about your business – which renders email marketing useless.

What to write about:

Unfortunately, customers don’t care about your product or service, they care about the solution provided.

As the example goes, people don’t buy power-drills (the product), they buy a hole-in-the-wall (the solution to their problem). Make sense?

So what problems do your customers have?

What things keep your clients awake at night?

If you could write anything, what would truly be valuable to your customer? (remember it’s about helping, not selling)

So what’s your excuse?

And how could you make email-marketing happen for your organisation?

Learn more about why your business can’t ignore email marketing.