Is your business cool enough for Instagram?

If you’ve been thinking about using Instagram, then today’s article is for you.

Not familiar with Instagram? Learn the basics first.

4 questions to ask before starting your Instagram account:

  1. Do you sell direct to customers? (rather than to other businesses)
  2. Do people get passionate or genuinely excited about your product or service? (be honest!)
  3. Can your product or service be communicated well using photography?
  4. Do you have the resources to produce beautiful, high-quality photography for Instagram? (this is a biggie)

If you can answer YES! to all of the above questions, then congrats – Instagram is for you.

Industries suited to Instagram (examples)

  • Photography (obviously!)
  • Food
  • Outdoor
  • Fashion

Industries NOT well suited to Instagram

  • Accountancy
  • Lawn mowing
  • Information Technology (I.T.)
  • Consulting

But of course – there are some businesses who break the mould…

Check out American Express (who I thought would be drop dead boring) who manage to make their small plastic card very interesting.

Still not sure about Instagram?

Contact us for a no-obligation chat about which social media platforms could suit your business.

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