How to ‘spring clean’ your social media

When spring rolls around, everything feels that little bit extra ‘fresh’. New baby animals, beautiful blooming flowers and a chance to sort through that awful garage for things to pass on to the local charity shop. Why shouldn’t your social media be included in that refresh, too?

Because, let’s be honest, it might look a little like your garage….

If you’re stuck on how to spring clean your social media, then have a look at these tips: 

Dig around for that login!

It may be that you started an Instagram and/or Facebook account a few years ago, and since you logged out, you haven’t really bothered to log back in since! That, or you forgot your password (thank goodness for ‘reset your password’ options, hey!). 

Your old profile may have a few pictures, or a few too many, most of which may not align with the current ‘vibe’ of your brand. Never fear, that’s why we’re here! We can help you look at what you’ve already done for your brand on social media, work with existing content, or help you start again completely.

No job is too far gone. Trust us. 

Refresh your feed, but don’t delete everything

Refreshing your social media doesn’t have to mean deleting everything and starting again. It can also involve looking back through past posts, either on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and re-writing the captions and hashtags, so they’re more aligned. 

If someone is new to your business, most of the time they’ll be checking out your socials to see what you’re all about. Checking for consistency with old posts to where you are now can make a huge difference in how your brand is perceived. If needed, it’s also important to update information on your pages such as your business address, phone number and email, and the ‘about section’.

Unfollow businesses that no longer align with your brand

Don’t feel bad if your social media spring clean includes unfollowing some other businesses and people that you’re no longer in touch with. A lot of the time, people may not even be active users on social media, and it’s absolutely key to have people on your pages who want to hear from, be involved with, and follow your business (and vice versa). 

As for Facebook groups, have a look at the ones you’re part of under your Facebook business page name. Have a look at other local and wider active groups that you can join now, that may be more helpful to where you want your business to go in the future. It can get pretty repetitive scrolling down your Instagram and Facebook timelines seeing irrelevant content, so make sure you keep key people and pages only! 

How long is this spring clean supposed to take?

After reading this blog, you may be thinking of a lot of ways you can spring clean your social media pages. We suggest looking at things one at a time, so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Going through the list of people you follow on both Instagram and Facebook can be tedious, let alone clicking the buttons to unfollow/remove them. Even if you clear a few people/pages at a time, you’re on your way to refreshed, clutter-free social media. 

Just like tackling your garage for a spring clean, it can be pretty daunting knowing where to start, or even how to start, which is why we’re here to help. 

Take it one day at a time and before you know it, your social media will be sparkly clean! And if you need some help, give us a bell, we’ve got you!

Happy spring cleaning, everyone!