Facebook – Back to Basics

I was explaining to my six-year-old son, Jackson, what I do for a job the other day.

I told him, part of my job is to “make businesses look cool so people will buy their stuff”.

Nothing like trying to explain something to a six-year-old to break it down to the basics.

But the basics are pretty important. And having a good Facebook page is one of the basics of business these days.

Are you doing everything you can to make your business “look cool” on Facebook? Does your page reflect your business and your brand, and add value?

Today, I’d like to share a few simple things you can do to improve your business page and connect with the right people – the people who will buy what you’re selling. Here we go….

Make it cool

Your Facebook page is an extension of your website, and often the first contact your potential customers will have with your company. So let’s make it as “cool” as we can! Your cover photo (that’s the big one), should be engaging and reflect your brand. It should also fit the dimensions (including mobile) and be in focus. A well crafted short video is also a good option for the cover. Keeping your images consistent across your social media networks strengthens your brand and helps your audiences recognise you.

Tell your story

Once you’ve grabbed your audience’s attention with your great cover image, give them a snapshot of your business with your bio. Your bio is where you tell your audience what you do, your company vision and culture, and how awesome you are – all in 160 characters or less! Easy, right? Your bio should set you apart from your competitors, but still be approachable and professional. Try not to use buzzwords or industry jargon, focus on what you’re an expert at and get specific! And revisit your bio regularly to ensure it’s still the best reflection of your brand.

Don’t post rubbish

Anything you post to your business Facebook page should be appropriate for your brand and business, and the posts should be consistent in some way – image, colour, theme, or genre. Maybe save the cute photos of your cats for your personal Facebook page unless it’s appropriate for your business.

You have limited space to grab someone’s attention, so make sure whatever you’re posting grabs their attention for the right reasons. Don’t be another “face in the crowd”, post awesome stuff – stuff that’s relevant to your brand and your audience. Consistency is key.

Know your audience

Who are your customers? What do they look like? And, no, “everyone” is not your customer. As the saying goes, “ a product for everyone, is a product for no one”. You need to focus on who is buying your products or services and how you can target those people. Facebook has thousands of targeting options to help you get the most bang for your advertising buck, so it’s time to get familiar with your customers and get talking to them.

Keep it regular

Like your Nan said, it’s important to be regular. A regular Facebook poster, that is. With over 2 billion active users, you need to be posting regularly or you risk your posts getting lost. Posting to Facebook a few times a week will help your business cut through the online clutter, and paid advertising on Facebook will take your regular posts to the next level, generating measurable data from potential customers.

If you’re struggling to get your business page up and running, or you want help getting some traction and real leads from your Facebook advertising – get in touch with Likeable Lab and let’s chat about how we can help your business get growing.

~ Likeable Aimee

Aimee Young (aka Likeable Aimee) has a PR background and a penchant for Facebook Adverts. Originally from Auckland, she’s now made her life in the sunny Bay of Plenty with her husband, two kids, and ancient-and-really-pretty-but-not-so-smart Labradoodle, Baxter.