What are the benefits of hiring a social media agency?

Maybe you’re on the fence about hiring a social media agency and you’re not sure whether taking it in-house would be the easier option.

We get it.

There’s a lot to think about when hiring someone external to take over your social media.

Will I actually see results? Can’t I just do the job myself? Is it worth investing all that time and money?

Hiring a social media agency isn’t just about them taking over the day to day running of your accounts. It’s about working with a group of people who have the expertise to give your business that competitive edge and get your brand seen in a saturated market. To create show-stopping content, backed by sound ad strategies so your message reaches the right people at the right time.

I want in

Still need a little more convincing? Keep reading to see our list of the top 8 benefits of hiring a social media agency:

Agencies know best practices and how to maximise your budget

Advertising on social media is complex, which is where an agency comes in handy. They know social media advertising like the back of their hand. You want to know your budget is being maximised, and targeted towards audiences at the right time to finalise a sale. This kind of knowledge takes years to accrue so hiring an agency with that expertise will save you money long term.

Outside perspective /opinions

Hiring a social media agency means you will get fresh eyes looking at your business. They may spot something about your brand you didn’t, or come up with ideas you hadn’t even considered before. This out of the box thinking will allow your business to level-up and become a key player in the online market.

Allows you to focus your resources on other parts of your business

Without having to worry about the day to day runnings of your social media, you can spend your time on what really matters…growing your business! Aside from monthly meetings and being on-call in case of an emergency, the beauty of hiring an agency is that they will do most of the leg work.

Save time and money by not having to train in-house

Agencies already have the expertise. So you can pretty much plug and play, without having to spend your resources on training your existing staff. It might be more of a cost upfront, but the payback is huge. Less stress and more results, what more could you want?

Plus – you can cut your ties quickly with an agency, unlike employing someone.

Access to the top social media tools for free

Agencies will know (and use) all of the latest tools for your social media. As part of the fee you pay to them, you’ll gain access to some of these social media platforms. This will allow you to widen your knowledge and also upskill your employees.

Peace of mind and support

No longer is that big weight on your shoulders about what to post, how to show it to the right audience or whether you should boost or not. Your agency will take over the responsibility of strategising, creating a content plan and executing campaigns, so you can sit back and relax.

Know how to make your brand stand out online

Agencies know how to make your words, images and videos match your brand identity and make you stand out online. Their experience and know-how means they can pin-point the latest trends and create timely posts that resonate with your audience.

Can provide real results for your money

Unlike other marketing and advertising options, social media can show real results. You can see dollar for dollar, what the return back is. How many sales are generated directly related to an ad campaign. The agency will look at what’s working well and what isn’t – then change the message, audiences, or channel to suit.

Want to see real results in action? Click here to read some of our latest success stories.

These are just some of the benefits a social media agency can bring to your business. When deciding whether to hire a social media agency, make sure to also ask yourself these questions to see if you are ready and whether it’s the right move for you.

If you’re ready to take your social media to the next level, click here to get in touch for a free consultation call.