Are you scared?

It’s a scary time of year right now.

Halloween. End of year deadlines. Evil clowns. Presidential elections. The list goes on.

But I must say I got a surprise yesterday when someone mentioned they’re too scared to put their business on Facebook (I mean – of all the things to be scared of, Facebook?)

I admit, it’s easy to be worried about what an unhappy customer might say on your Facebook page. Negative comments. Bad reviews. You know the ones.

But this isn’t a Facebook issue, it’s a business issue. Or more accurately, a business opportunity.

Let’s face it, if a customer is unhappy, they’ll complain wherever the heck they like. Trip advisor. Online forums. Your competitor’s Facebook page. Their local newspaper. Anywhere they can find.

But having a customer complain on your Facebook page provides a chance.

The chance to turn your customer around, the chance to do so in front of everyone watching, and the chance to improve your business so it doesn’t happen again. And that’s a great thing if you ask me.

What do you think?