The willow tree

There’s a park beside my house.

In the park, there’s a ginormous, 60-year-old willow tree.

And everyone loves it. The willow’s branches are long and hang low, and the neighbourhood kids swing on them in the summer time. It’s truly is a sight to behold.

But a recent storm was the beginning of the end for the old willow. It half collapsed overnight, and then the council arborist decided it had better all come down. For safety’s sake.

So now the willow is just a stump. A ginormous stump. And everyone’s a bit sad.

For me, the willow coming down was a good (and cliche’d) reminder that nothing is forever.

Like in business, what works now, might not work in a couple of years. Especially in the digital space, where the rate of change is crazy.

But it’s not all doom and gloom, and with the digital stuff especially, you’ve got plenty options if you’re serious about competing online into the future.

You could learn the landscape yourself, or hire someone who knows the space already – or you could outsource to people like us who are using the tools everyday.

I like the last option, but I’m probably a bit biased.

If you’re not going to learn it or hire for it, then you need our help, and the first step is a strategy session with Likeable Ryan.

You’ll invest an hour of your time, and you’ll come away with actionable steps for your digital marketing effort.

ps – here’s a pic of the stump – and in case you’re wondering, that’s a full size picnic table.