
Rotorua is famous for its mountain biking.

In the redwoods alone, there are over 100 trails to choose from, with more than 150 kilometers of single-track.

Thankfully there are signs everywhere, so it’s easy for visitors to find iconic trails like Billy T, Split Enz and Hot X Buns.

But there’s a problem for out-of-town riders who visit the redwoods. It’s connecting the trails.

You see, anyone can follow the signs to find a specific trail, but it takes a local to link the trails together to create an amazing day of riding. It takes intimate knowledge of the forest, the un-marked shortcuts and the changeable trail conditions.

And digital marketing is similar.

There are plenty of options: social media, adwords, email automation, blogging, influencer marketing, the list goes on.

But it takes a digital native to understand the nuances of how these elements interrelate, and which shortcuts to take. Especially when resources are finite.

At Likeable, we’re experienced guides that have been riding the digital trails for the last 5 years. We’re old enough to know business, but young enough to know digital.

If you’d like our help to navigate the digital landscape for your business, the first step is a 45-minute strategy session with Likeable Ryan.