Are your fans losing interest?

Crikey 😳 I knew renovating a house was going to be hard yakka, but I underestimated how much dirt and decision making there’d be.

My husband, Dave, and I have just come out of 3 months of full on reno-mode. We pretty much put our social lives on hold and lived in rag clothes in order to crack out a new kitchen/living area.

The good news is, we survived.

We have a functioning kitchen and an awesome new space to hang out in and pick up our social lives again.

During the process I became obsessed thinking about the final product (as anyone would). I stopped taking photos of the mini-milestones and when people asked to see what stage we were at, I had nothing to show.

And because I couldn’t show them anything, I lost their interest.

When it comes to your social media content, are you holding out for the final product too?

We understand (and respect) that you want to get it right before showing the world, but it could also be damaging your following.

You should never underestimate how engaging a little ‘behind the scenes’ content can be. It makes people feel special that they’re getting an insight into your business that others may not see.

Reasons to post behind the scenes content:

  • Shows you’re real
  • Allows people to relate to you
  • Arouses curiosity for the final product reveal
  • Gains respect that not all your content is polished
  • Shows personality
  • Creates a loyal following (more likely to buy)

What classes as behind the scenes? Things like…

  • Sitting down for a well-earned cuppa (capture morale)
  • Cleaning and maintenance (the not so glamorous part of the job)
  • Mini-milestones (celebrate the little wins along the way)
  • Setbacks (trying to keep it positive and learning from failures)
  • Arriving at work at 5.30am (show the hard graft you’re putting in)

So even though we all strive for perfection, when it comes to social media content, we can also leverage off the imperfections. These are the moments that tell the stories and gives your business/brand an approachable style. And who doesn’t want to be approachable?

At Likeable Lab, we love getting behind the scenes of a business and allowing your personalities shine through, in fact, we’re pretty good at it. Flick us an email and we could do the same for you.


~ Likeable Sophie