How to become a Facebook Ninja

Are you spending hours managing your Facebook page?

Become a Facebook Ninja and cut your time on Facebook down to just 1-hour per week.

All it takes is a little bit of Ninja-like dedication.

3 steps to becoming a Facebook Ninja

1. Keep a notebook

Brainstorming Facebook post ideas whilst staring at your computer screen doesn’t work.

Instead, keep a notebook with you, and write down ideas for Facebook updates when they occur to you throughout the week.

There’s no shortage of ideas, but the problem is that they don’t normally occur when you’re on Facebook (and expecting them to puts yourself under way too much pressure)

Got a list of half-baked ideas? Perfect, you’re ready to take the next step.

2. Diarise your Facebook time

Book 60-minutes in your diary each week to turn your ideas into fully formed Facebook posts.

If you have staff, then booking the same time each week will make it easy for them to contribute ideas also.

Not prepared to book in time? Step aside – you’re not ready to become a Facebook Ninja.

3. Schedule your posts

If you’re not scheduling your posts, you’re probably wasting time.

Yes, there will be times when an impromptu post is required, but the back-bone of your Facebook Ninja strategy is to have posts scheduled. That way you know that your page will stay active if (hint: when) you get busy.

Here’s a quick reminder on how to schedule posts:

  1. Create your post (as you would normally)
  2. Then, instead of clicking the post button, click the clock symbol in the bottom left corner
  3. Choose the date and time you’d like the post to appear (pro tip: visit your Facebook insights and see what time your fans are online when making this choice)
  4. Click the schedule button (that’s it!)


Want to see (or edit) the posts you’ve scheduled? No problem, just click the see posts link on your timeline (see below)


Congratulations – Facebook Ninja Status achieved! (view your Facebook Ninja certificate here – seriously!)

Looking for more steps? Sorry to disappoint.

Need help? 

Give me (Dan) a call on 07 394 4407 or contact us.